Category Archives: Spa Heating

Hurlcon Spa Heater Leaking


Why is my Hurlcon spa heater leaking? This is one of the most common calls we get and depending on where its leaking from is going to depend on whether it can be fixed or not? Below we talk about the most common causes of hurlcon spa heater leaks to the HX, WX and JX […]

Hurlcon Gas Heater Parts List


Hurlcon Gas Heater Parts Lists Hurlcon pool heaters have been around since 1997. They have been some of the most popular pool and spa heaters made and made here in Australia. It all started in 1997 with the release of the hurlcon MX 200-400 megajoule range of pool heaters. And in 2000 we saw a […]

Hurlcon Spa Heater – How To Replace HX Manifold


Are you having problems with your Hurlcon spa heater? Is the in/outlet manifold leaking? There’s a good chance your heater in/outlet manifold may need replacing.Over time the water balance may have affected the heater manifold and some of the internal parts may have damaged beyond repair. Heres some simple instructions on how to replace a […]

Hurlcon Spa Heaters

Hurlcon spa heaters

Hurlcon Spa Heaters When it comes to spa heaters you can not go past Hurlcon Spa Heaters, and no one knows them better than HeaterFix. We’ve been supplying, installing and servicing Hurlcon Spa Heaters all over the country for over 27 years. When you speak with us you not only get first class service you […]

Solar Spa Heating


Solar Spa Heating For Your Spa Solar Spa Heating, is it right for you? Well using the free energy of the sun to heat your spa is obviously the cheapest way to heat the spa but that’s really it. You see solar heating is great on a pool but not that great on a spa […]

Spa Heaters For Spas

Spa Heaters For Spas Chances are if you’ve come across our Spa Heaters webpage your either looking at getting your spa heater repaired or your looking for a price on a new spa heater? Either way you’ve come to the right place. You see we’ve been servicing and replacing spa heaters for the past 20 […]