Hurlcon Spa Heater Leaking


Why is my Hurlcon spa heater leaking? This is one of the most common calls we get and depending on where its leaking from is going to depend on whether it can be fixed or not? Below we talk about the most common causes of hurlcon spa heater leaks to the HX, WX and JX model heaters. We discuss the 7 leak locations to check when your hurlcon spa heater leaks. We talk about what why they happen, how to fix them and is it worth fixing.

If your reading this you obviously have one of the Hurlcon HX, WX or JX model spa heaters so we’ll assume that your quite familiar with your heater functions so lets look into why your heater is leaking?


Types of Hurlcon Spa Heater Leaks

You may see a puddle of water around the base of the heater but nothing coming from the outside of the heater. This is because 99% of the spa heater leaks happen within the gas heater itself. You may have to remove with the rear top quarter panel that sits on the in outlet manifold or one of the side panels that’s screwed to the heater to actually see the heater leaking. Firstly lets look at the 7 leak locations on the Hurlcon gas spa heaters. This is a good place to start and pinpoint where the leak is coming from.

Leaking Heater Union Orings

The first place to look on the heater is the water pipes that connect to the heater. Its quite common for the heater unions orings to perish over time. You will start to see a drip, drip, drip from the unions. This is a simple fix. You just need to replace the union orings. They come in 40mm and 50mm, click here to go to the Hurlcon union orings.

Hurlcon Heater Pressure Switch

Pressure switch leaks are quire rare but can happen from time to time. The pressure switch is located behind the top back quarter panel above the in and outlet manifold.It’s actually screwed into the manifold. Check how bad this leak is because if the pressure switch is threaded from the manifold then the pressure switch wont be able to be replaced. That will mean the complete manifold will need to be replaced. Click here for order  a new hurlcon pressure switch or to order a complete manifold.

Hurlcon Thermostat Sensor Lead Brass Well

This brass well sensor pocket would attribute to 20% of the hurlcon heater leaks. To check this is simple, like the pressure switch remove the back metal panel and look for the sensor lead that on the left there. The sensor tip is sitting the brass pocket. It may have a little silicone and a cable tie around it. If water is leaking from this part you will need to remove the and replace both the sensor lead and the brass sensor pocket. You can order the sensor lead and brass pocket here.

Hurlcon Heater By-Pass Assembly

The black in/outlet manifold that you see on the back of the heater, remove the top metal panel and on the outlet side to the right, you will see a black bypass plunger that’s connected into the manifold and held in with 2 stainless steel split pins. There is a yellow or grey oring on the bypass plunger and it is prone to breaking and then it leaks. Check to see if this is the case and if so click here to purchase a new bypass assembly kit complete.

Hurlcon Heater In/Outlet Manifold

Again the black plastic manifold that you see on the rear of the heater is the in/outlet manifold. It is not common but we have seen these split and leak. It is very rare but it can happen. In this case you will need to replace the complete manifold. Click here to purchase the complete hurlcon in/outlet heater manifold. Click here to learn how to replace an in/outlet manifold.

Hurlcon Heat Exchanger Adapters

Heat exchanger adapters are what connects the in/outlet manifold to the brass threaded fittings that are attached to the copper exchanger. These are 2 female threaded fitting that attach to the brass fitting. The adapters have 2 sets of orings on them to seal the in/outlet manifold when it is fitted. It is common that these orings will perish over time and will need replacement. These need to be checked from time to time as when they start to leak they may just start with a slow drip. That could carry one for some time before the oring completely lets go then you will have a waterfall on your hands. Here is the heat exchanger adaptors and adaptor orings you will need to replace.

Hurlcon Heater Exchanger

The heat exchanger is the the main copper tubing coil where the water enters cold and then leave hot. Its located directly above the burner tray on the fire box. The heat exchanger leak is a major leak and depending on the severity and age of your heater will depend if the heater is fixable or will require replacement. As the heat exchange is located at the top of the heater when it leaks it then leaks down onto other heater parts like the gas valve, the burner tray and down onto the electronics. When that happens, then replacement is required. Purchase a new heat exchanger here.  Click here for a new HX WX70 heater replacement or a new HX120 heater replacement click here.

What Causes My Hurlcon Spa Heater To Leak?

The most common cause of any gas heater leak is the corrosion of the metal parts internally caused by incorrect water balance. When we talk about water balance we are talking about the pH and the total alkalinity. These two test determine if the water is acidic or alkaline. For a spa the required test should be, pH between 7.2 – 7.6 and the Alkalinity should be between 80 – 120ppm. When that is achieved very problems will be encountered with the spa and its equipment. It also means that your sanitiser level can be maintained at the correct level of between 1 – 3ppm and it will work to 99% of its efficiency.

So how does it damage my heater? You see your heater has two metals that are in contact with your water, copper in the heat exchanger and brass in the sensor lead pocket. If your spa water is not maintained correctly the water then turns acidic and acidic water loves copper and brass so its the first thing that it attacks. Then generally over a period of time your small leak may turn into a big leak that destroys your heater. Remember, the spas water balance is crucial in the survival of your spas equipment especially your hurlcon spa heater.

The second most common leak is on a hurlcon spa heater is from the by-pass assembly on the water manifold. The water manifold and by pass assembly are manufactured plastics. They along with the orings can become worn and brittle and eventually break or perish. The bypass assembly is easy to replace see here for the parts.

Over time water and chemicals can wear the heaters internal parts. This is why its so important that your heater is serviced and inspected regularly. We recommend a domestic gas spa heater should be serviced at least every 12 months. Commercial and apartment heaters need to be serviced every 3 -6 months, depending on usage. To book your heater in for a service simply fill out the form below.

Pool/Spa Information

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files.
If you can, please attached 4 images of your heater.
1 - Heater in its location with all equipment around it
2 - The serial sticker/badge (on side,rear or behind front panel of heater)
3 - The digital display ON (so we can see any error codes)
4 - The water connections to the heater (so we can see how it is plumbed)

NOTE - We only accept max 2mb each image, in JPG or PNG only. We DONOT accept Apple's HEIC image format.