These stainless steel heat pump feet will lift your heat pump 67mm off the ground. As you can see there are three 10mm stainless steel nuts and two washers. This is so you can adjust the height of each foot. So if you have uneven ground these can be adjusted to suit. Like this image displays below, the correct installation on uneven ground with the pool heat pump mounting feet.
We see too many manufacturers not supplying the good quality mounting feet, if any to lift these heat pumps off the ground so they do not sit in a puddle of condensation all the time. This will cause the mounting brackets/feet to eventually corrode. See image of a corroded heat pump mounting feet.
The other issue that you will face is the heat pumps heat exchanger will start to corrode because the condensation is not draining away correctly from the heat pump. This is a big problem, the heat pump should be installed so that it has fall to the drain hole on the heat pump base. This is done at installation and if its not done correctly your heat pump base may collect and hold a lot of water in the base and this will spell trouble! If the condensation does not drain away correctly it then sits in the pool heat pumps base, then you’ll start to get corrosion of the copper heat exchanger as you can see in the image below.
A heat pump is a big investment so it makes sense to have it installed correctly and lifted off the ground. Order your heat pump mounting feet today from HeaterFix.